EWU News

Why Your Student Should Get Involved on Campus

Importance of Student Involvement

October 6, 2022

Now that your student is off and running with Fall Quarter, it’s time to check-in with them about how they are feeling about their EWU experience so far.  Have they found something to get involved in?  Do they feel lost?  Lonely? Have any friends?  Help them think about the benefits of getting involved on campus if they haven’t done so already.

As the Associate Vice President of Campus Life, here are my top 5 reasons for students to get involved on campus:

  • Feel more connected to EWU.  The more students participate the more integrated into the community they will feel.  They will realize that they are surrounded by supportive faculty, staff, and peers. Send your student to ewu.edu/eaglesync if they haven’t found a club or organization to be a part of.


  • Build a strong network of friends. When students join a campus club or organization, they develop friendships that might help them miss friends and family back home just a little bit less.  But don’t worry, you will always be their family!


  • Build their resume. Finding opportunities on campus that compliment career aspirations will make your student an attractive candidate to future employers.  Take it a step further and encourage them to serve in a leadership position with other students who share their same passion.


  • Have fun and de-stress. Tell your students to look out for sandwich boards across campus with details for the latest free events.  Or sign-up for an EPIC Adventure trip at ewu.edu/epic.  Typically, college offers events and activities at little or no cost to the students. This is something they won’t experience later in life, so take advantage while they can!


  • Perform better academically.  Several studies have shown a positive correlation between on-campus engagement and academic success.  In fact, students who are involved have higher graduation rates, report higher levels of satisfaction with their college experience, and develop increase self-confidence.

Want further guidance on getting your students connected here at EWU? Feel free to reach out to me!


Josh Ashcroft
AVP Campus Life


Eagle Sync