EWU News

Wildfire Emergency Resources for our Community

Message for week of Aug. 21, 2023.

August 21, 2023
Photo: Campus Aerial

Dear Campus Community,

This is a very challenging and emotional time for many of us as we learn more about the area wildfires that have displaced families, friends and neighbors – including those in our EWU community.

While saddened by these unfortunate events, it is also uplifting to see the outpouring of support. Eastern is committed to assisting those who have been impacted in any way we can, and we are so grateful for your willingness to help in these efforts.

As of right now, the university is fully operational and you will be updated immediately if conditions or plans change via our EagleSafe emergency notification service.

Please prioritize your health and safety during this time. Employees who are impacted by the wildfires should contact their supervisors, and faculty and students should work together to arrange for appropriate instruction options.

The university has numerous resources available that students, faculty and staff can utilize, including:

For your safety, EWU is conducting regular testing of air quality in all buildings, including SIERR and Catalyst. This effort also involves monitoring outdoor air quality for activities, following heath guidelines.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been working diligently to provide operational support over the past few days, including emergency response planning, shelter support and crisis communications.

Dr. Shari McMahan


Eastern Washington University