Eastern Washington University is
The Region's Polytechnic

Where Hands-on Learning Leads to
In-demand Careers

What is a polytechnic?

While there is no single definition of a polytechnic university, they are known for emphasizing hands-on learning and combining comprehensive academic education with practical experience.

EWU has the ability to redefine what polytechnic education means in the 21st century: applied, hands-on learning that leads to in-demand careers, firmly rooted in the liberal arts. Our polytechnic approach integrates critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills across all fields of study. And because that’s always been our focus, “the region’s polytechnic” is about boldly stating who we are, not changing what we do.

See what polytechnic education means at EWU.

What Does the Region’s Polytechnic Mean for You?

As Washington’s only polytechnic university, EWU will definitely stand out from the crowd. But our new positioning is about more than marketing.

Our increased emphasis on real-world, career-focused learning and applied research will expand opportunities for students as we continue to be a major contributor to our region’s growth and vitality.

For Prospective Students and Families

As an EWU student, you will gain professional experience in the areas you’re interested in, giving you a head start in your chosen field. If you’re not exactly sure of your career direction, our expanded internship and field placement programs will give you real-world insights into what different careers are like.

For families, the polytechnic’s career-focused education—combined with EWU’s lowest in-state tuition—increases the return on the important investment you are making in your student’s future.

Prospective Student and Families FAQs >

For Current Students

We’ll be expanding our internships, applied research, and field placements to give you more opportunities to learn outside the classroom. We’ll continue to align our current academic programs and develop new programs to meet the region’s workforce needs, which gives you a jumpstart on your career.

And because our graduates are prepared for success, employers recognize the value of an EWU education—which enhances the value of your Eastern degree.

Current Student FAQs >

For Faculty and Staff

We can realize the vision outlined in our new strategic plan, which includes, “Characterized by a student-centered focus and opportunities for applied learning in high-demand fields, [EWU’s] education creates upward social mobility and intellectual growth for our students that supports a healthy, sustainable, and economically successful region.”

Faculty and Staff Knowledge Base >

For Alumni

As we continue to align our degree programs with the region’s workforce needs, the value of our career-ready graduates—and of your EWU degree—will increase in the marketplace. You’ll also have more opportunities to connect EWU students with your company or organization as we expand our internship offerings.

Alumni FAQs >

For the Region

Combined with the state’s lowest in-state tuition, our focus on degrees that lead to in-demand careers will respond to current and emerging workforce needs as we expand opportunities for social and economic mobility for the region’s students.

Regional Partners FAQs >

How We Got Here

Our new positioning as the region’s polytechnic began with a bold challenge from the university’s Board of Trustees in fall 2023: refresh EWU’s identity to authentically communicate who we are, while differentiating ourselves in the region’s crowded and competitive higher education landscape.

We met the challenge engaging all parts of the campus community. With extensive research and market analysis conducted by the Identity and Marketing Workgroup, the strategic planning committees, and extensive surveys of all stakeholders, the polytechnic vision began to take shape.

The Board of Trustees approved the recommendation in May 2024.

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General FAQs

No. There are no plans to change the name of the university at this time.

In 2023, the Board of Trustees challenged EWU to develop an identity that would help differentiate the university in the region’s crowded higher education landscape. We responded to that challenge by engaging the full campus community, using the strategic planning process, the work of the Identity and Marketing Workgroup, and surveys of hundreds of prospective and current students.

These terms are used interchangeably, inside and outside of higher education. They all refer to active learning that connects to real-world situations. In the surveys that EWU conducted, prospective and current students were most familiar with the term “hands-on learning.”

EWU is an integral partner in driving Eastern Washington’s economy and contributing to its social vitality. We also know that our impact extends beyond the immediate area. Our “region” includes Washington, our immediate neighboring states, and beyond—to everywhere our 123,000+ alumni are.