Category: Alumni

Vestal Wins Washington State Book Award

March 6, 2018 by easternmagazine

Author, Shawn Vestal

Shawn Vestal ’08, ’05, MFA creative writing, BA interdisciplinary studies, won the Washington State Book Award for fiction for his debut

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Against All Odds

September 8, 2017 by easternmagazine

Couple wearing law enforcement uniforms

Cristina Santana’s small stature and quiet, comforting manner are nearly lost in her sizable bulletproof vest. She roams the streets

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Ahead of the Curve

by easternmagazine

Photo: Jon Hammermeister

At the highest level of professional competition, all athletes relentlessly search for ways to gain an edge over their opposition.

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Family, Faith & Football

by easternmagazine

Family posing on the football field

Rodrick Jackson’s life changed forever Dec. 21, 2016. It was his 18th birthday – the day he changed his name

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Honor Flight

March 20, 2017 by easternmagazine

Veterans on the honor flight

In October 2016, Rear Admiral (Ret.) George Lotzenhiser ’47 and Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jerry Mellick ’67, Eastern alumni from different

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Skyler Oberst celebrates the interfaith community

by easternmagazine

Skyler Oberst outside with prayer beads

Skyler Oberst is easy to pick out of a crowd of young professionals. It isn’t his fashionable eyeglasses, his watch

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Independent spirit powers entrepreneurial journey

by easternmagazine

Two well-dressed students in a fancy kitchen

With Crystal (Balcom) Ju’s fear came a sense of longing. She longed for adventure, for travel, for fulfilling work. Her

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Not Your Father’s Philosophy

April 1, 2016 by easternmagazine

Photo: Professor of Philosophy Kevin Decker

By Kevin Decker, PhD Action figures? Check. Lightsaber? Check. Blu-ray copy of the latest J.J. Abrams film? Check. These are

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Super Collider

by easternmagazine

Student working in a physics lab

Physicist Kira Burt ’11, BS physics, only dreamed that one day she’d be working at the largest, longest-running collaborative science

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by easternmagazine

Photo of Tod Marshall

Marshall Named Washington’s Poet Laureate Tod Marshall (’92, MFA creative writing) isn’t afraid of taking on passion projects to promote

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