Category: Social Impact

Planting roots with outdoor education

October 20, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Man planting tree while students watch

Eastern Washington University education students teamed up with 150 seventh graders from Cheney Middle School to plant more than 560 trees at Marshall Creek Friday, Oct. 21, as part of a service project to increase outdoor and environmental education. Seven Eastern students each worked with a group of seventh graders to plant trees and learn

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Educational, service-based trip to Ghana

September 8, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Professor Romel Mackelprang in Ghana

Romel Mackelprang has a rule for all of the students on his faculty-led study abroad program to Ghana: you can bring two bags. One piece of luggage is yours and the other is for the Ghanaian community. Mackelprang, the director of disability studies at EWU and a professor for 30 years, has been doing humanitarian

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EWU inspires students to ‘Dare to Dream’

by eastern247

Photo: Seven students outside

This week, the Dare to Dream Academy returns to EWU’s campus to provide migrant high school students a glimpse of college life and expose them to resources for pursuing higher education. The six-day program includes 14-hour workdays including team building activities, workshops and a variety of keynote speakers. The 146 attending students are divided into

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Satori Camp still strong after 34 years

by eastern247

Photo: Tour guide speaking to students in front of the Herculean Pillars

Satori Summer Camp hosted 142 campers in its 34th year at Eastern Washington University last week, bringing gifted junior high and high school-aged students from around the region to experience college life in a camp setting. “We have kids telling us over and over again how important this experience has been for them because they

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An EWU Spin on Giving Tuesday

March 20, 2017 by eastern247

Student and Pat Spanjer posing outside the library on Giving Joy Day

Giving Joy Day is EWU’s version of the international Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to encouraging generosity and goodwill at the beginning of the holiday season. The event, which will happen again next year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, has two purposes – to help raise funds for EWU scholarships and to spread joy and perform

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EWU ties for first in GameDay Recycling Challenge

February 8, 2017 by eastern247

Cans crushed into blocks

Eastern Washington University tied for first place with Ohio University in the 2016 GameDay Recycling Challenge, a nationwide competition among 79 colleges and universities to reduce and recycle the waste generated at home football games. EWU won with a diversion rate of 95.6 percent. During each competition cycle, participating schools report recycling, compost and attendance data for

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EWU Class Performs Good Deeds on Giving Joy Day

December 22, 2016 by eastern247

Student with donations in his trunk

Small acts of kindness were performed throughout the Spokane-Cheney community on Nov. 29, Giving Joy Day, thanks to the efforts of an EWU public relations class. “When I heard that EWU was launching Giving Joy Day, I thought it would be a good opportunity to not only help support the university in an important cause

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Prestigious NSF Grant for EWU

October 12, 2016 by eastern247

Woman studying on the grass outside

Eastern Washington University is part of a statewide $3 million collaboration grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help improve the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teacher-preparation programs in Washington. Multiple state partners will work together to anticipate and identify the needs and challenges future teachers will face and provide

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High school students gain health care experience with Project HOPE

October 4, 2016 by eastern247

People wearing medical scrubs and masks in a medical examination room

Asked if she was squeamish at the sight of blood, DaNeil Jolley was given scrubs and guided to a dimly lit room that smelled noticeably of cleaner, where she was about to watch a laparoscopic surgery. At just 16 years old, this was Jolley’s first day as an intern in the surgical unit at Samaritan

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EWU professors write geologic guide to Washington state

August 31, 2016 by eastern247

Photo: Professors Eugene Kiver, Chad Pritchard and Richard Orndorff

Explore mind-boggling canyons and rugged rocks with a geological guide to Washington state, written and published by three EWU professors. In its first few months, Washington Rocks! has sold 5,000 copies, launching a second printing of the book. Washington Rocks!, written by emeritus EWU professor Eugene Kiver and current EWU professors Chad Pritchard and Richard

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