Category: University

EWU Commencement Photos

June 16, 2018 by David Meany

Professor Grant Smith at commencement

Photographs from Eastern Washington University’s 2018 commencement ceremonies are now available on Flickr. Nearly 3,200 students (2,642 undergraduate and 534 graduate) were eligible to attend commencement ceremonies at the Spokane Arena on Saturday, June 16. Ceremonies were also held for semester students on May 4 at the Spokane Convention Center.

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EWU Receives College Spark Washington Grant

May 24, 2018 by David Meany

Showalter Hall at sunset

College Spark Washington has announced $1.5 million in Community Grants to help low-income students become college-ready and earn their degree, and Eastern Washington University will receive $149,573 of the funding. Eastern’s Department of Mathematics will utilize the funding to develop, pilot and scale corequisite remediation courses. In corequisite remediation, students are placed directly into college-level

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New Online Accelerated M.Ed. Programs

May 15, 2018 by David Meany

Student working outside on their laptop

Building on its legacy as a teaching institute, Eastern Washington University is excited to announce the launch of six accelerated online Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs and one certificate program designed for the working professional. The affordable, highly personalized education offerings include: M.Ed. – Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. –  Literacy M.Ed. – Early Childhood Education

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Get the Most Out of the New EWU Website

May 8, 2018 by Christine Tully

Photo: Desk with computer and phone featuring the new EWU website

The Digital Communications Team is excited to announce the launch of EWU’s new website on Monday afternoon, May 7. The new site delivers a modern, beautiful first impression of campus, focusing on prospective students. However, there’s a bit of something for everyone in this new design: a resource bar to direct you to your favorite areas,

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National Accreditation for EWU in the High School

by David Meany

Graphic: EWU in the High School

The EWU in the High School Program at Eastern Washington University is one of 19 college and university programs nationwide to be granted first-time accreditation from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). There are just over 100 accredited concurrent enrollment programs in 22 states across the country. Concurrent enrollment allows colleges and universities

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Remembering Professor Emeritus Patrick McManus

April 17, 2018 by eastern247

Picture: Old picture of author, Patrick McManus

During his time at Eastern (1959-1983), he touched the lives of many students with passionate and engaging journalism classes.

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Students team up to improve Colombian public policy

April 3, 2018 by eastern247

Picture: Students posing around a snowman.

It’s a research project more than a half-century in the making. A group of Eastern Washington University Master of Public Health (MPH) students is collaborating with medical students from a university in Bogotá, Colombia, to help the South American country recover from 50 years of civil war. The students will assess how to best deliver

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Pi Kappa Alpha raises $250,000 for EWU Libraries

October 20, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Members of Pi Kappa Alpha

Four years ago, alumni of the Zeta Nu chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity agreed to set out on a philanthropic endeavor to give back to the university that helped bring them together more than half a century ago. The brothers set a target goal of raising a quarter of a million dollars for

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Paul Tanaka: EWU’s Longest Serving Board Member

by eastern247

Photo: Faculty during commencement

When asked to reflect on his 15 years as a member of the Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees, Paul Tanaka’s thoughts go to the first-year students now on campus. “Some of this year’s freshman class were only four or five years old when I started,” states Tanaka. “Aside from making me feel very old,

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GeoGirls trip to Mount St. Helens

September 8, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Students learning outside at Mount St. Helens

Carmen Nezat, PhD and EWU associate professor of geology, volunteered at GeoGirls, an outdoor volcano science program at Mount St. Helens to learn about volcanoes and the technology that scientists use to monitor them.

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