Category: University

GeoGirls trip to Mount St. Helens

September 8, 2017 by eastern247

Photo: Students learning outside at Mount St. Helens

Carmen Nezat, PhD and EWU associate professor of geology, volunteered at GeoGirls, an outdoor volcano science program at Mount St. Helens to learn about volcanoes and the technology that scientists use to monitor them.

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Senior faculty retires after 51 years

by eastern247

Photo: Sarah Keller

Sarah Keller never understood why people hated Mondays. She has always had a perfectly good time at work, teaching within the anthropology program she created in 1966. However, the academic journey for Keller – EWU’s most senior faculty – has now ended after 51 years at the university. As a young woman growing up in

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One-of-a-kind course sets EWU students apart

April 24, 2017 by eastern247

Aerial shot of Spokane Campus

What began as an experimental course for business and marketing education students, has transformed into one of the hottest courses on campus. It has also given EWU students a leg-up in the job market. BUED 376 is a five-credit, online elective, open to all EWU students with junior standing. There are no books, three instructors

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Higher Education Finance in the US

April 20, 2017

Photo: EWU Visitor Center

Today is Day 102 of the 2017 Regular Session. 3 days to go! And…budget negotiations between the two chambers are at a standstill. We expect the legislature to adjourn on Sunday without a budget and for the Governor to immediately call the first special session. So, while budget negotiators are holed up in the capitol

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The President’s Forum for Critical Thought: Frans de Waal

April 13, 2017 by eastern247

Author, Frans De Waal and his book, Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?

The author of a groundbreaking book on animal intelligence will share his innovative research as part of The President’s Forum for Critical Thought presented by the Daniel and Margaret Carper Foundation at Eastern Washington University on Tuesday, April 25. Frans de Waal, PhD, is a Dutch/American biologist and one of the world’s best-known primatologists. During

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Budget Negotiations Begin

March 31, 2017

Aerial view of the EWU Cheney campus covered in fresh snow under a clear sky

Today is the 82nd day of the 2017 Regular Session. 23 days to go! Last week, the Senate released their budget proposal and this week was the House’s turn. Below you will find a comparison of the two budgets. So far, we have only seen the Senate’s capital budget. It included $60 million for the

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Asia University America Program provides cultural immersion opportunity

March 29, 2017

Asia University students at the ice rink

The Asia University America Program (AUAP) at Eastern Washington University gives students from Asia University in Tokyo, Japan, the opportunity to live and study in the United States for five months and learn about American culture. Students in the AUAP program study English in courses designed to develop and improve their communication skills. Two cohorts

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Bachelor’s in Computing & Engineering at EWU

March 16, 2017

Aerial shot of downtown Spokane

Today is Day 67 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session One of EWU’s operating budget priorities this year is investment in a new Computing and Engineering degree pathway. If successful, EWU would be the first comprehensive regional university in the state to have CpE, joining UW and WSU in the offering. The effort to launch CpE

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EWU English Language Institute preps international students for university

by eastern247

Student discussion in a classroom

The English Language Institute (ELI) at Eastern Washington University focuses on helping international students learn English so they can stay on track and succeed in university-level education. The ELI is an intensive English program that supports students to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills before entering classes at a university. “When I came

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Looking Ahead: Revenue Forecast, Budgets, and Negotiation

March 14, 2017

Photo: Campus Aerial

Today is Day 65 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session. 40 more days to go! Since our last post, we have now passed House of Origin cutoff and returned back to committee work. This means that for a bill to still be alive, it must have passed off the floor in the chamber that it

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