EWU and CBC Partnership Helps Students Earn Degrees
October 22, 2020
By David Meany
In an effort to collaboratively promote increased access to a college degree, Eastern Washington University (EWU) and Columbia Basin College (CBC) have created a memorandum of understanding geared to benefit students who wish to attend and graduate from both institutions.
The agreement solidifies a commitment to more efficiently provide baccalaureate access to students who begin their post-secondary education at CBC through strategic academic plans and joint services, which will create a pathway for their degree completion at EWU.
Students will also have access to the same academic advising and student services as they navigate their courses at both schools.
EWU interim President David May at signing ceremony with CBC on Oct. 23, 2020.
“This partnership will maximize opportunities for students to successfully attain their educational goals,” says EWU interim President David May. “This will also increase the potential for more ambitious collaboration between EWU and CBC in the future.”
“For CBC students who target EWU as their next academic destination, this agreement creates a ‘fast track’ for success,” says CBC President Rebekah Woods. “Whether students earn their 4-year degree here at CBC, or they choose to transfer to EWU or any other institution, we are committed to reducing all possible barriers to success.”
The partnership will make it possible for students to be jointly admitted to and eligible to enroll concurrently in both institutions, so CBC students can seamlessly transfer to EWU after completing their associate’s degree. This will be accomplished by improving academic program articulation and planning, which will result in improved student persistence and retention.
Leaders from both institutions believe such an agreement will not only increase student access, but will be a benefit to the whole region by creating more job-ready graduates.
For more information:
EWU Contact: Dave Meany – 509.359.6335 or dmeany@ewu.edu