President McMahan Welcomes Students to Campus

Banner says Welcome From the President with her photo.

Welcome Students!

As a new academic year begins, I am filled with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead. This time of year always brings a sense of renewal — a fresh start for all of us to grow, learn and explore together. As president of Eastern Washington University, I am honored to lead this incredible institution and to reaffirm my unwavering commitment to the success of each one of you. 

This year, our faculty and staff are embarking on a bold path forward, one guided by a new strategic plan which places student success and belonging at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is always to provide an inclusive, equitable and transformative learning experience here at EWU, all while upholding the academic excellence that makes our university a place of unbounded opportunity. To that end, we are doing a lot of reflection on our programs and policies to make sure they are meeting the needs of students and operating in the most convenient and efficient way. Please stay connected through Inside EWU for all the latest updates on university developments.    

As the year gets underway, most importantly, you and your educational journey are welcome and valued as an Eastern Eagle. Our central goal for you is to gain practical skills and experience real-world, career-focused learning while still benefiting from a rich liberal arts foundation. This vision has led us to positioning Eastern as the Region’s Polytechnic. This builds on the incredible work already being done by our faculty and staff to support student success. Whether through internships, research projects or hands-on experiences in any degree program, we believe that applied learning can become the hallmark of an EWU degree. I encourage you to visit our website, www.ewu.edu/polytechnic to learn about what this means for you as a student. 

At Eastern, we believe that every student belongs. We are thus committed to fostering a welcoming environment where diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences are celebrated and embraced. We encourage you to become involved in the many clubs, organizations, and activities offered — if you missed out on Neighborfest, get connected through EagleSync. You enrich our campus and our larger community, and we can’t wait to see the growth and impact you have as an Eastern Eagle. Go Eags!

In gratitude,

President Shari McMahan