Tag: Featured
Biology Student Wins Prestigious STEM Scholarship
May 31, 2019 by Leilah Langley
Marcos Monteiro, a junior studying Biology at Eastern, is the university’s first ever Barry Goldwater Scholar.
[Read more]EWU Students Break Down Homeless Data
May 29, 2019
Less than two years ago, Eastern Washington University announced a partnership with Microsoft that it touted as one unlike any other in the country: It would be the only institution with the Microsoft Professional Program in data science integrated into a BS degree. Now, the students in that program are benefiting from yet another EWU partnership. This time,…
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Spokane Transit Adds Swoop Loop
May 16, 2019 by David Meany
Students hoping for more options to get around Cheney and key points around the EWU campus will now be able to hop aboard the “Swoop Loop,” a new route being offered by Spokane Transit starting May 19. The modified loop, which will run only when EWU is in session, comes after student feedback and is…
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Eastern ME Students’ Work on Prosthetics Highlighted
by Leilah Langley
Mechanical engineering students received local media attention this week for their work building prosthetic limbs for area school kids. The KREM 2 News story highlighted the work students Shannon Kellam, Guthrie Boleneus and Jacob Stewart did to create a 3D-printed prosthetic arm for Rogers High School senior Ryan Merkle. Previously the team did the same…
[Read more]National Teacher of the Year Mandy Manning to speak at EWU Graduation
May 15, 2019 by Leilah Langley
Eastern Washington University is pleased to welcome the 2018 National Teacher of the Year and Eagle alumna, Mandy Manning, as this year’s commencement speaker. Manning was named National Teacher of the Year for her work with immigrant and refugee students at the Newcomer Center at Spokane’s Ferris High School. She spent the past academic year…
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EWU’s Board of Trustees Creates Stadium Task Force
May 10, 2019 by David Meany
Eastern Washington University’s Board of Trustees (BOT) is announcing the creation of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study of the football stadium renovation project. Appointed by Board Chair Uriel Iñiguez, the task force is composed of four BOT members and four members of the EWU Foundation Board. Working together in collaboration with EWU…
[Read more]EWU Launches Prairie Restoration Project
May 7, 2019 by David Meany
Members of the Eastern community and representatives from local tribes joined EWU President Mary Cullinan on Wednesday to launch a major sustainability initiative that will restore one-third of EWU-owned land to its native habitat. The Cheney campus spans some 300 acres, more than 100 acres of which is farmland to the west of campus. The…
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EWU Introduces New 100 Percent Online MBA
May 6, 2019 by David Meany
Recognizing the needs of the modern learner, Eastern Washington University is pleased to announce a 100 percent online MBA program, offering career-boosting academic excellence delivered in a flexible online format ideal for working professionals. EWU’s online Master of Business Administration can be completed in as few as 11 months at a tuition price of $14,880,…
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EWU Hosts Inaugural Latino Forum
April 30, 2019 by David Meany
Eastern Washington University is set to host the first-ever Cinco de May Latino Forum as part of its ongoing commitment to recruit, retain and graduate a diverse group of students in innovative new ways. The Friday, May 3 event will include nationally renowned keynote speakers, educators, community leaders and professionals leading panels and roundtable presentations…
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Barb Richey Named VP for Advancement at EWU
by David Meany
Eastern Washington University is bringing back one of its own to serve as the new Vice President for University Advancement and Executive Director of the EWU Foundation. EWU President Mary Cullinan has named Barb Richey, an Eastern alumna, to this important executive position, which provides leadership for Advancement Services, Alumni Advancement, Marketing and Communications, and…
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