Tag: Government Relations

EWU Athletic Director and Leadership Honored with Senate Resolution

April 15, 2019

EWU Athletic Director and Leadership Honored with Senate Resolution

The Washington State Senate honored Athletic Director Lynne Hickey, Director of Football Operations Marc Anderson, and Senior Associate Athletic Director Devon Thomas with a resolution recognizing their accomplishments on behalf of EWU’s collegiate athletics program. The resolution specifically recognized the football team’s “extraordinary athletic and academic achievement during its 2018 season in being awarded the

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Olympia, WA – President Cullinan Successfully Advocates for EWU’s Students, Faculty, and Staff

January 28, 2019

EWU Traditional New Student Photo

Focused, consistent, and impactful; that is the approach Eastern’s government relations team took when visiting over 20 legislators during Dr. Cullinan’s visit to Olympia, January 22nd through the 25th. Focusing on our 2019 legislative priorities, Dr. Cullinan and the government relations team were able to introduce Eastern through our unique mission and student demographic to several

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Day 1: 2019 Legislative Session

January 14, 2019

Aerial shot of Cheney

“Hello, my name is…” The 2019 legislative session has officially started, and first on the EWU government relations “to do” list: learn all the new names and faces. Time to smile and shake a lot of hands. Turnover is a natural part of the legislative cycle. Every election year there are new legislators who are

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Senate Committee Days in Olympia

November 20, 2018

Aerial shot of campus, half black and white original and half new.

The EWU government relations team enjoyed productive meetings during Senate Committee Days. Every November and December, prior to the start of the regular legislative session in January, the Senate and House convene to reorganize policy and fiscal committees. In addition, committee chairs hold work sessions on salient issues. Chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee,

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How Well are Washington Students Prepared for the Jobs of the Future?

November 6, 2018

How Well are Washington Students Prepared for the Jobs of the Future?

By 2021, 740,000 jobs are expected to open in Washington state. Sounds encouraging, except for the fact that only 40% of Washington’s high school graduates go on to earn a college degree, apprenticeship, or other credentials by the time they reach 26. For the Eastern region of the state, specifically, that number drops to 36%. It is

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Higher Education Finance in the US

April 20, 2017

Photo: EWU Visitor Center

Today is Day 102 of the 2017 Regular Session. 3 days to go! And…budget negotiations between the two chambers are at a standstill. We expect the legislature to adjourn on Sunday without a budget and for the Governor to immediately call the first special session. So, while budget negotiators are holed up in the capitol

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Budget Negotiations Begin

March 31, 2017

Aerial view of the EWU Cheney campus covered in fresh snow under a clear sky

Today is the 82nd day of the 2017 Regular Session. 23 days to go! Last week, the Senate released their budget proposal and this week was the House’s turn. Below you will find a comparison of the two budgets. So far, we have only seen the Senate’s capital budget. It included $60 million for the

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Bachelor’s in Computing & Engineering at EWU

March 16, 2017

Aerial shot of downtown Spokane

Today is Day 67 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session One of EWU’s operating budget priorities this year is investment in a new Computing and Engineering degree pathway. If successful, EWU would be the first comprehensive regional university in the state to have CpE, joining UW and WSU in the offering. The effort to launch CpE

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Looking Ahead: Revenue Forecast, Budgets, and Negotiation

March 14, 2017

Photo: Campus Aerial

Today is Day 65 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session. 40 more days to go! Since our last post, we have now passed House of Origin cutoff and returned back to committee work. This means that for a bill to still be alive, it must have passed off the floor in the chamber that it

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Day 40: Policy Cutoff

February 17, 2017

Picture: Top of Showalter Hall

Today is Day 40 of the 2017 Regular Session–and House of Origin policy cutoff! So, what does policy cutoff mean? It means that today is the last day to pass policy bills out of committee. Bills that are not voted out of their policy committee by end of day today are “dead.” Unless they are

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