Digital Team
Building a better
Welcome to WordPress!
In lieu of in-person training on WordPress, we’ve developed a screencast that goes over most of what you can do as a web editor. It’ll walk you through the login process and editing existing pages.
Need to be added as an editor?
Fill out our request form.
How do I log in to WordPress?
You should now have editor access to the site. Once you have watched the screencast, you can log in.
- Visit or choose your college’s site from the dropdown below.
- Log in using your Eastern SSO.
When you log in, don’t worry if your screen looks different from the video! As super-admins, we have more things to click on in the menus.
Getting Started
How can I add images or PDFs?
- Images with text do not comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. If you have an event flyer or similar information, please place the text directly onto the page.
- Please export any Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document as a PDF.
- Click “Media” in the side menu.
- Click the “Add New” button.
- Drag and drop files into the outlined box or select files.
When editing a page, you can now insert the file using either the “Add Image” or “Add Media” button.
- Click the “Add Image” or “Add Media” button.
- Select the “Upload file” tab. (If your file is already in the Media Library, locate and select the file — skip to Step 4.)
- Drag and drop your file into the box or select the file. Once the file has been uploaded, it will be automatically selected.
- Click the “Insert into page” button.
Here are some scenarios when replacing media is the best option:
- You uploaded the wrong file from your computer
- There was a spelling error in the current file, so you need to upload the edited one
- You want to replace your current profile photo with a new one
Instead of uploading multiple versions or having to edit every page where the current file is being used, you can replace it across the college website.
- Click “Media” in the side menu.
- Locate your current file in the Media Library.
- Click the “Upload a new file” button.
- Click the “Choose File” button.
- Locate your new file and click the “Open” button.
- Underneath the Replacement Options, select “Replace the file, use new file name and update all links.” All links pointing to the current file will automatically be updated and link to the new file. (If any other websites link to the file directly, those links will no longer work.)
- Underneath Date Options, select one of the three options.
- Click the “Upload” button.
- Move your cursor anywhere within the link.
- Click the pencil (edit) icon.
- Click the gear (link options) icon.
- Update the link text to be understandable and/or have a call to action.
- Select the “Open link in a new tab” box.
- Click the “Update” button.
Upload all images (JPEG, JPG, PNG or WebP) to TinyPNG. Then, you’ll want to click “Download all” and use the compressed images when following the steps.
Compressing an image reduces its file size, which saves storage space in the Media Library. The maximum upload file size is 20 MB.
What are the standards for a degree page?
Every degree page has an introduction paragraph that uses language like:
- “You’ll explore…”
- “You’ll learn how to…”
- “You’ll receive…”
- “You’ll study…”
A “Curriculum & Requirements” button is added after the paragraph, which will scroll down to the catalog information. Application information can be added, if applicable.
The Catalog: Degree component is populated by copying and pasting a “Degree URL” from the most current catalog such as: This component is a great tool, instead of manually entering a list of required courses and electives for the degree.

How To
Tip: always log-in before starting any process
Follow these Step-by-Step Instructions
Note: to update a profile or add a new profile in the Experts Directory you can submit a request here.
Tip: Don’t forget your image.
Here are some of the most common edits that users are asked to make.
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