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Here you’ll find the latest updates from President McMahan of Eastern Washington University. Stay informed with Eagle 1 News—a source for news and messages directly from the President. Explore links to recent articles featuring the university in the media, watch past convocations in our video archive, and read the President’s statement on statements, ensuring clarity and transparency on key issues.

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Convocation Videos

President McMahan’s Statement on Statements

As President of Eastern Washington University, I am often posed the question as to whether I should issue a public statement — whether it be in response to an issue or an event that has occurred locally or nationally, a political upheaval, public safety concern, or natural disaster, among others. I recognize that this question is due in part to the historic practice of some EWU presidents to comment frequently on issues or events, as well as the trend of pressuring university presidents to make statements on all manners of national or global topics. To date, it has been a rare occurrence that I move forward with issuing such a statement on behalf of myself, or representing Eastern Washington University, and I believe it’s important to clarify why I have often refrained from commenting.

I recognize the power of public statements as a means of communication and expressing solidarity; however, public statements can (and often do) have unintended effects, such as appearing performative, failing to capture the overwhelming emotional toll an event or issue may be causing among diverse campus community members, or even cause undue anxiety or panic. Public statements, which often must be issued quickly, may appear to reduce a complex topic or issue to a few broad paragraphs, or raise more questions outside the university’s purview. And, however well-intentioned, may result in more feelings of exclusion rather than inclusion. In lieu of statements, I instead value dialogue, engagement and action when it comes to addressing pertinent issues and/or events. For me, action better reflects my desire to build an inclusive, welcoming campus over the issuance of numerous broad statements.

Yet, despite these concerns, it can be appropriate and necessary to issue a thoughtful public statement at times. Official statements, when issued, will be guided by 1) their potential to significantly impact our educational mission, 2) their ability to directly support our campus community in navigating critical challenges and/or functions, and 3) whether the statement represents an opportunity to influence policy in a positive way relative to an issue or event.

When such a statement is issued, I encourage campus organizations, colleges and departments to share that statement. However, I also value the autonomy of our academic colleges and departments, and if they feel the need to issue an individual statement, I urge them to consult first with their vice president to gain a better understanding of why the university has not issued a statement and to better understand the impact a public statement may have among members of the campus or broader community. Should they issue a statement, they should ensure that it aligns with EWU’s mission and goals. I do not want to stifle individual voices, but we all have a responsibility to ensure coherence, effectiveness and mindful consideration when making public declarations.

Whether or not a statement has been issued, I always stand in solidarity against acts of injustice, hatred and violence. And I will always support meaningful and respectful engagement within our campus community. Myself, and the leadership team of EWU, remains committed to fostering an inclusive, respectful environment where differing viewpoints are valued.